Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC) refers to a diverse set of methods used to supplement or replace speech or writing for individuals who experience challenges in producing or comprehending spoken or written language. AAC encompasses various communication tools, strategies, and systems that aid individuals with severe speech or language difficulties.

There are many compelling reasons to work with a Speech Language Pathologist (SLP) when you or a loved one needs AAC.

  1. Expertise and Assessment:
    SLPs are specialists in communication disorders and AAC, and have undergone many years of training in order to be able to accurately assess an individual’s communication needs and abilities.  

  2. Customization:
    An SLP will consider factors such as motor skills, vision, and sensory preferences in order to tailor an AAC system to each person’s unique requirements.  This customization ensures that the AAC user will be both comfortable with their system and effective in communicating.

  3. Device Selection and Training:
    An SLP must actively maintain current knowledge and trends in their field through continuing education and training, and will therefore be most able to guide you in the appropriate selection of AAC tools and the most current implementation strategies.

  4. Language Development:
    SLPs have the most in-depth understanding of language development and will promote language growth alongside AAC use, help in setting appropriate goals, and encourage communication in various contexts.

  5. Troubleshooting and Support:
    SLPs are there to help with challenges that may occur during AAC implementation, troubleshoot technical issues, assist with programming, and follow-up to ensure sustained progress.

  6. Advocacy and Empowerment:
    Finally, SLPs advocate for the rights of AAC users, empower individuals to express themselves, and foster independence, confidence, and self-advocacy.

Working with an SLP enhances the effectiveness of AAC, promotes communication, and enriches quality of life for individuals and their loved ones.

Are there any prerequisites for using AAC?  What if my child is not ready?

There are NO prerequisites for using AAC.  AAC can be introduced at any age, with any disability or perceived cognitive level.  An AAC journey does not need to begin with low-tech tools such as PECS (Picture Exchange Communication System) in order to “prepare” someone for a high-tech device.  With the right advice and support, everyone can learn to communicate!

Please use the Contact Me page to inquire about a consultation, training, or zoom class.  I will get back to you within 24 hours.

  • Extended Health Benefits:

Most plans will cover some speech language pathology sessions each year, although individual plans differ in the amount they allocate – some may cover an entire session, and others only a portion.  It’s best to check with your provider for exact details and allocations.